Florida and Texas Store Locations Reopening for Memorial Day!

We will be reopening our doors on May 25th, 2020 to celebrate Memorial Day with all of you! We look forward to seeing you, but things will be slightly different given the current pandemic. A few changes to note:

  • One-way Aisles: All of our clothing aisles have directional arrows guiding you through the store to avoid close contact with others. Please follow them.

  • Masks: Everyone in the store is required to wear a mask covering their nose and mouth in order to protect from the spread of germs.

  • Limited Occupancy: In order to keep everyone at a safe and comfortable distance, we will be limiting the number of customers we can have in the store at one time. Please be mindful of your fellow shoppers waiting to come in as you shop.

  • The 6’ Rule: Do your best to keep a safe distance from others throughout the store, taking special care not to lean on the counters when looking at jewelry items and when completing your purchase with a cashier.

Your patience during these tricky times will go a long way, and we ask that you cooperate with our new policies in order to maintain a safe, enjoyable shopping experience.